-7- To be a friend

I’m not a hero.
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" For now, you just need to rest and heal up. Leave every thing thats complicated to mom okay? I'll go for now, I still need to figure out who was the person who kidnapped you." Mrs Joohyuns voice comes from down the hallway and you stand up, walking to the source after hearing the door thud closed.


" Hello Mrs Bae, I'm Minjeong, Karina's school friend." You bow to the older woman who hurriedly checks her watch. Oh damn, Rolex. Before holding your shoulder, meeting your gaze.


"Nice to meet you, we'll properly talk another day, I need to get to a meeting. Thanks for staying with my Jiminie, I hope you guys are able to stay friends for a long time. Definitely." With that the older woman rushes out the penthouse with her phone already on her ears.


She's really busy... Ah I should go to Rina. You crack the door open, checking if the older was asleep, when your eyes meet hers through the crack you finally open the door fully, heading in before closing the door again.


"So...how are you feeling now? Need baby shark again?" She laughs, you're warm again. She then pulls the plushie to her lap and leans her arms onto it.


"Mom was asking about the plushie actually, said it was cute." She gestures for you to go forwards and you do, once you were in arms reach she immediately reaches for your sleeve and pulls you to sit on the bed, grabbing your hand and fiddling with it again. She pauses for a moment, seemingly remembering something and continuing as she smiles at you. Is there something on my face?


" You said just now that we didnt know much about each other, I want to know more, humor a game of 20 questions with me?" You nod and she runs her index finger over her chin, tapping lightly as she wonders about her first question.


"What's something you don't think people do enough?" Huh? Being good people, helping others.


" Being empathetic, to see the pain someone is going through and not feel even a shred of sympathy...I can't live like that, of course, as long as they have a moral compass they'll know to help people and that's more than enough. I want people to learn to help each other no matter the time consumed. sometimes it feels like people are too focused on capitalism, education, activism. To truly enjoy and see what life has to offer in the terms of emotions. For you, what are qualities your ideal lover must have?"


You think back to the young Minjeong in that alley, if she had been empathetic and had the same moral compass you did now. Would that man have died?


" You know love languages? I'd like someone who has Quality time, and acts of service. To be loyal, I never want to get cheated on. Seriously.  To be able to be friends with the people I hold truly dear to me. How would someone win your heart over?" Meeting Jimin's eyes, theres an obvious glint behind them and a playful smirk plastered on her face. The sight makes you cough and hide your face. I'm definitely red, NOO


" Uhm... I'm quite, shy. So someone whose more obvious at flirting with me, would be nice... To handle all my little jokes and behaviours well and maybe even play along? I also quite like physical...touch, not in that way of course! But like- holding hands and stuff, things like that. "




"S-so, what about... you? Same question, I didn't have time to think of a new one." She pushes open your fingers before grasping your hand fully, holding it. Oh she's definitely using it against me now. AAA


" Hm, I'm a little weird so I find people who are awkward and dorky only with me cute. To win my heart, talk to me alot. Through texts, in person, calls, I need communication. They have to make me laugh too, I fall in love when that person is associated with happy memories to me. Someone who doesn't promise an unconditional love...but carrys it out. Words can be beautiful, and although I love hearing beautiful meaningful words, if they weren't sincere theres no point. If you liked someone, how would you let them know?" You look down to your right hand, the little white circle around your thumb compared to the rest of your slightly tanned skin.


" A ring, like a promise ring to always be there for them until the day they remove it. That's how I...confess." Your eyes zone out, your surroundings suddenly darkening as you feel yourself be to the past. There's a line on my thumb...what about yours,Somi? How much did you take it off?


" That's...sweet. I like silver by the way." You snap back into reality, eyes widening at the girl next to you who sports a dorky smile. Does she do this to everyone? Aeri? How do people survive not falling in love with this??


"Ahem, noted... What's your current favourite song? Mines Kinda wish by Alfie Jukes, he's quite a small artist but God is it good." She pulls out her phone, immediately playing the song in the background. 



" Mine would be... Understand, by Keshi, or midnight love by girl in red." That's kinda gay. You tilt your head, won

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*pushes glasses* …so what if I just wanted to flesh out 2kims relationship-


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Chapter 20: so much going on 😶‍🌫️
chloe_kim #2
Chapter 19: pls pls pls continue 🙏
Ashyasfuc #3
continue pls 😭
narutoaespaa #4
Chapter 19: please continue 😭
Addlyka #5
Chapter 19: please continue...
21pops #6
Chapter 19: Please continue 😭
Chapter 19: please continue 🥹
164 streak #8
Chapter 19: I think there’s nothing wrong with writing, we have always separated characters from idols, ofc we use their names but we know that’s not who they are in real life, tat’s the beauty of fiction we let out imagination and creativity take over. If you decide to no longer continue because you feel uncomfortable then we’ll respect your decision. If you decide to take a break we’ll respect that too, do what you need to do. Just know you’re not alone, we’re all together.

I’m just a reader but I relate to what you’re feeling, I might have to take a break from Winrina stories while I process this whole thing. All we can do is support our Jimin during this time.
shakieee312 #9
Chapter 19: I totally understand how you feel about the situation and its okay to take a break if you think it will affect of how you’ll write the story. But personally speaking, i think there’s nothing wrong in continuing to write the story but if you can’t do it now don’t force yourself. We are very much intrigued about the story and how it will end so I do hope we get to see its ending but take your time :) thank you for asking our opinion about this too
Chapter 17: 😭 chaewon just kept making it worse at the end